Red Ribbon Club
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Librarian
Red Ribbon Club (RRC) Programme is a voluntary on-campus intervention, aimed at heightening the risk perception and preventing HIV among youth. Red Ribbon Clubs have become a powerful medium to reach out to young people. Spearheaded by the Himachal Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (HPSACS), this programme is supported by the Higher Education Department and demonstrating the importance of inter-sector collaboration to address the issue of HIV / AIDS. RRC empower students in the age group of 17-25, by giving them information and life-skills to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and changing the most active among them into peer educators.
To reduce HIV infection among youth by raising their risk perception through behaviour change communication.
To induce among youth the spirit to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS thereby reduces stigma and discrimination against PLHIVs.
To motivate youth and build their capacity as peer educators and change agents by developing their skills on leadership, negotiation, and team building.
To promote no remunerated voluntary blood donation among youth.
Red Ribbon Club programme with the objective of bringing about behaviour change in young minds employs various strategies like:
1. Imparting “Celebrating Life - 10 hours curriculum” to the RRC Volunteers and Programme Officers by trained resource persons.
2. Peer education and leadership trainings to the RRC volunteers
3. College and University/ Directorate level competitions such as oratorical, drawing, quiz and etc.
4. Interactions with positive people, Transgender, Injection Drug users and ICTC Counselors.
5. Exposure visits to ICTC, STI, ART, Blood Bank and HIV Community Centre by the RRC Volunteers
6. HIV/ AIDS awareness campaigns (Rallies and Outreach activities) during events like International Youth Day (IYD), World AIDS Day (WAD), National Youth Day (NYD), National Voluntary Blood Donors Day (NVBD), World Blood Donation Day (WBD) and International Women’s Day (IWD).